Schaaken Castle

by Roman Grinev

Based on existing historical data, there are very few castles left on the territory of Russia. This is due to the mentality of the population, traditions, and natural conditions too. Many wooden buildings and exquisite palaces were destroyed by the war. One of the few surviving stone buildings is Schaaken Castle.

The TrueVirtualTours service provides the ability to use the 3D panorama of Schaaken Castle by adjusting the movement with the buttons. Tour participants can see in detail how thoughtfully and firmly Schaaken Castle was built.

In the middle of the 13th century, among the thickets of reeds and reeds, the Prussians built a small wooden fortress in the town of Zoke, which was called Schaaken, which means “grass” in Prussian. The crusaders soon captured the fortress and began the construction of a stone castle as their outpost. Boulders, which abound on the Baltic coast, were laid in the warping of the fortress. 3D tour of Schaaken Castle provides an opportunity to see fragments of the old masonry.

The knights made many dams on the river flowing through the swampy area, ensuring the almost complete impregnability of the castle.

For a long time, Schaaken Castle was the only bearer of Christianity among the pagan Baltic tribes. When these territories passed to the Russian Empire, the fortress was visited more than once by Emperor Peter 1 with the Empress.

The modern history of the castle is not so romantic and full of heroism. Since the 1960s, the premises of the castle have been used for the most unexpected purposes, from stables to housing. The panorama of Schaaken Castle has changed, it fell into decay and began to collapse.

Only in the 2000s, enthusiasts began to restore the unique structure, leaving some places in their original (unrestored) form. Virtual tour of the halls of Schaaken Castle and its spherical panorama provide an opportunity to imagine the former splendor. Above the entrance arch, the motto of the Teutonic Knights was restored: "Help - Protect - Heal": Helfen - Wehren - Heilen.

Now Schaaken is a cultural center. Knightly tournaments are held here for lovers of the realities of that era. For those who wish, a virtual tour of Schaaken Castle is available, or they can take part in archery competitions already in real life.

ul. Central'naa, 42, Nekrasovo, Kaliningradskaa obl., Rossia, 236008
Publish date: 11/15 2014
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Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

main entrance

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316


Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316


Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

Entrance Hall or Entrance Hall

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

Living room, reception room

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

The inner room

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

The interior of the castle

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

In the courtyard at the outer wall

Central Street, 43, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

Center of the courtyard of the castle

Central Street, 40, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

South side of the yard

Central Street, 40, Nekrasovo, Kaliningrad region, Russia, 238316

Schaaken Castle
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